Wednesday, August 13

10E2381: American Field 3

American Field was cooked up by Ball and Buck's Mark Bollman in 2012 as a made-in-USA celebration. It is a pop-up menswear market, a food fest and this time features music, instructional talks and demos. Will be on the waterfront this time - the venues have always been good.

More news and names to come but so far I see Aaron "Field Notes" Draplin, and the guy who made the recent American Hand shorts we featured, plus our pals from Switchel will be there, and a ton more.

I am fired up to speak at this thing too, on Sunday September 14th. Hear about (mis)use of the word "archive", plus celebrating "authentic" and "heritage" firms I have featured on 10engines - while also acknowledging the dangers of invoking those words. Sounds like a lot of me, me, me I guess... Pop a few #menswear balloons. Will save a seat for you.

This just came through the inbox too, Ball&Buck and Harpoon have created a beer - test driving it at the shop on Newbury St, the Thursday before the American Field thing (link for more info). Might as well call it a pre-party...